Here you will find guidance on how to access and import a Talentlink CSV into the myaccount IDTV Right to Work platform.
The platform is managed by the Improvement Service, if your organisation are new to the system IS will set up a super agent account, this user will be responsible for the creation and maintenance of additional accounts. Account will only be required for those starting the checks. Approving a right to work check will be done via email.
Creating a new RtW Check from A CSV
- Firstly enter into your browser and hit return. You should now see the following login page
- Enter your login details and click sign in
- You will now see the homepage, if required clicking the mygovscot logo in the top left will return you to your homepage.
- Click services from the top right hand menu;
- Your screen will refresh and you will be given 2 options, Upload CSV and JobAdvert Business Admin.
- Upload CSV allows you to import your Talentlink generated CSV file
- JobAdvert Business Admin allows you to review jobs and candidates which are already in the RtW checking process.
TIP: From the services screen clicking the star icon will add this screen to your favourites e.g. By clicking the star next to CSV Upload this menu option would appear on your homepage going forward.
- In this instance, to import a new file click 'Upload CSV', your screen will refresh and you will now see the upload screen shown below. Simply click or drag and drop your CSV file into the dotted line box and click 'Upload'
- Once the CSV file has been imported, you are given an opportunity to remove any candidates who have identified they do not want to complete the RtW process online, by ticking the box to the left of their name and clicking 'Remove Selected Candidates'.
- After you have identified the remaining candidates who will undertake online RtW check click 'Send Requests to All Candidates and Continue' this will email the candidates with instructions to complete the check via the Yoti platform.
The nominated RtW verifier will receive an email from [email protected] to confirm the check has been returned, an example is shown below. The user will be required to login to confirm to review, and dependant on your organisations process download and save in the employee file.
For any issues with your account please contact the improvement service directly by raising a support ticket